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In the beginning of hell, Belphegor was created by Lucifer's own hand alongside her siblings. Her position was decided by Lucifer himself, much to the mild annoyance of said siblings who regarded her as 'lazy' and 'weak', but she took up residence as the Prince of Sloth with all the apathy she could muster to keep well away from the general hustle and bustle of Hell. Eventually she began to start up production of 'Sleepy Pillz' and 'Happy Pillz', as well as any number of other mind-altering substances, to keep people complacent and calm so they wouldn't try uprising against her or her siblings. Eventually this evolved into hospitals sprinkled throughout the rings, as well as a rehab center in Sloth that sees countless hellborn through the worst of their addictions. She won't say as much, but she does enjoy that facet of her work.
In Jewish demonology, Belphegor is the Arch-devil. In qabalah, Belphegor is a demon who helps people make discoveries. It seduces people by suggesting to them ingenious inventions that will make them rich, stagnating that which could not be accredited to itself. In personality, Belphegor is quite lazy and very uninterested in the goings-on of her siblings and the rest of hell. she has a mild dislike of mammon's enthusiasm even though she herself has provided him with several machines, some of which have been used to start his ridiculous clown pageants and silly pointless objects that the sin wheedled from her despite her ignoring him. Belphegor is also frequently found playing video games when not napping, her favorite genre of game is chill or relaxing games, she dislikes action or shooter type games almost as much as she dislikes simulator games that require a lot of thinking. She may be smart, but she doesn't like to think much.
Writing sample/audition
"Ugh, do we have to do this?" Belphegor whined and curled her tail around herself where she floated in the air, already considering going back to sleep when she felt Beelzebub's hand tugging at her shirt.She heard Bee telling her something about having a good time and 'letting loose' at the party, but Belphegor made her disinterest obvious when she floated up a bit higher to curl up and doze. Sure, it wouldn't deter her energetic sister for long, but if Belphegor got lucky it might buy her a few more minutes. A few more minutes would be just what she needed...Or at least, that's what she'd been hoping for. She opened one eye to see Bee flipped upside down on top of a keg and practically glowing from all the attention she was getting, but Bel still tried her best to drown it out with her hands over her ears.